About Us
About Us
We partner with experts, companies and other various institutions in order to bring you affordable and flexible learning opportunities. We are constantly updating our courses as well as offering new course opportunities to help you continue growing and learning over time!
Our goal is to help you expand your skills and help you get started in a new field or to just learn and help make a positive impact on your daily life.
Please also be aware that while we provide information in order to excel in the field of the course that you pick, you are still bound to local laws and requirements related to your career or job.
Please be aware that course purchases are non-refundable.
We are an accredited learning provider based in the United States and the United Kingdom! We are registered as a learning provider through the UKRLP. Feel free to use our diplomas WORLDWIDE!
Our Registration Number is: UKPRN 10092631
Expert Skills Diploma
When you complete a course with us, you are provided with a customized accredited diploma. This means that you have completed the course to the required standards that we have as an educational provider in order to receive your diploma. Please note that you are still bound to local and laws and requirements, and we do not waive these when awarding a certificate.